Game Plan (The Entwined Series Book 1) Read online
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“Sam, how’s it going?”
“Seriously, that’s how you answer the phone? I had to work my butt off last night covering for you two. Now, I want to know why.” I knew this call was coming, but I had hoped I would have had more time to think about exactly what I was going to tell him. I might as well give him the highlighted version.
“The whole Bailey and Robert thing was set up by Ronda. It was this big lavish plan Ronda set up to distract Robert. It was going fine until Baily fell for him. Robert found out the whole scheme when Bailey went to tell Ronda she was done with her game. Robert overheard everything, and never gave Bailey a chance to tell her side of the story.”
“Now, she’s in her room crying her eyes out. I got her downstairs last night for a bit, but it was like putting a Band-Aid on a gaping hole. Sam, I’m so lost on how I can help her. I’m on the verge of breaking down myself because of how hopeless I feel.”
“Bailey has helped me so many times, from saving me, to giving me somewhere to live. The one time she needs me, I am useless.” As I start to ask Sam if he is still there, I’m interrupted by a knock on the door.
“Sam, can you hang on a second? Someone is at the door and we weren’t expecting anyone as far as I know.”
I walk as fast as I can so whoever it is will not disturb Bailey. The person on the other side of the door is one of the last people I wanted to see. “Robert, what do you want now? You want to break her some more, because I am really not sure if that is even possible.”
“Look, I just came for the Jeep okay. I have no issue with you, Elizabeth. If you will just give me my keys, I’ll be out of your hair.”
How can he sound so nonchalant about what has happened? I’m ready to lay into him when an idea strikes me. Maybe, just maybe, I can fix this.
“Robert, look, I know what she did was wrong, and she shouldn’t have done it. Or, maybe she should have told you sooner, I don’t know the real answer to make this better. But, Robert, she does love you. If you will just hear her side of things….”
“Hear her side! Hear how she sold herself out just for some extra cash. How this whole time I was just a way to make that cash? Was it entertaining for you, too?”
“How many nights did you and that bitch lay there laughing at the stupid football player? At how I was really falling for her! I must have looked so dumb to you two. If you think I would ever let her get that close to me again, you are sorely mistaken. I would never trust that two-faced snake again!”
After he’s done, it takes all I have not to take a swing at him. I am pissed he won’t even give her the chance to make her case. But, I am more hurt that he can even think those thing about her. I decide to keep my cool for now, after really looking at him.
Robert’s eyes are bloodshot. The dark circles under them means more than likely, he spent the night in a bar and not at home in bed. His clothes look like he has been rolling in the streets and have the smell of alcohol on them. I feel myself starting to soften toward him.
“Robert, did you even go home last night?”
“I tell you what,” he responds. “Why don’t you mind your own business, and not worry about where I spent my night,” He answers while running his hand through his hair, trying to make it more presentable. “Just give me my keys, so I can get out of here.”
I just nod and walk over to the table where I had thrown his keys last night. “Here you go.”
After taking the keys from my hand, Robert turns to leave, and I can’t stop the next words that leave my mouth. “I hope that when you come to your senses, she is still willing to take you back.” With that, I close the door on Robert for what is likely the last time.
“Sam, are you still there?”
“Yeah, what can I do?” He says. “I mean, other than track his ass down and give him the beating he needs to get his head out of his ass.” Fury laces Sam’s words. “That kid doesn’t know what he had. He is old enough to know that anything worth having is worth fighting for. I don’t care if it is faith, hope, or love. He needs to be willing to fight, and if he isn’t, then he isn’t good enough for her.”
I know he is right, but I can’t help feeling like I had just let her down even more. I had him right in front of me, and I couldn’t get him to see reason.
“Anyways, listen, wait about thirty minutes, and then check out your front porch. I am off now and if you can think of anything I can do for either of you, call me.” With my promise to call if we need him, we hang up.
After the thirty-minute time frame passes, I go out to the porch to see several bags of junk food with a hand written note from Sam.
Elizabeth and Bailey,
This was the only thing I could think to do. I think I got all of your favorites. I also got some chick flicks a girl at the store recommended. I hope it helps. Make sure to call me if you need anything else.
Tears sting my eyes at how thoughtful he is. I mean what other guy would go to the trouble to buy bags of junk food and chick flicks just to feel like he had helped. I waste no time running up the stairs to drag Bailey back down to help me devour all of the yumminess. She puts up a small fight, but in the end she follows, and we spend the rest of the day on the couch with our junk food and movies.
I decide, during one of the movies, never to tell her about what happened with Robert today. That’ll just cause her more pain, and if there is one thing I’m going to make sure of from here on out, she’ll have no more unnecessary pain.
Chapter Eighteen
It has been over two months since Robert has returned my calls. I waited a few days to call him, but every voice mail and text I sent went unanswered. I returned to work the day after everything happened. I know Elizabeth had given Sam and Dani the cliff notes about what happened because they never asked. I noticed that Jackson was no longer following me home. I mean, I never expected him to still have his friend follow me, but it still hurt knowing that was another sign we were over.
Things have slowly gone back to normal around here, as far as everyone else is concerned. Actually, I’ve just gotten better at pretending everything is fine. I am so tired of seeing the pity in their eyes. If they only knew the reason he wasn’t returning my calls, they would know I don’t deserve their pity. Would they be as pissed as he is?
They had started to see him as a regular around here. Sam does his best to make sure Robert’s games are never on when I work. The one time Sam got busy at the bar and left ESPN on thinking that it would be fine, suddenly, Robert pops up on the screen. He and some of the guys were sitting at a large table getting ready for a post-game interview. When I saw him, it was like my world exploded. I couldn’t stop myself from breaking down.
They had won another game and the reporters were throwing all types of questions at the guys. But, I couldn’t tell you one word that was said. All I wanted was to be the one he came home to at the end of the day. Seeing him, and not being able to call him mine, is the worst kind of pain.
Now, the days have turned into weeks, and weeks have turned into months. I have finally come to the reality that he has moved on. So now, I must try to do the same, as much as it kills me.
In the months since Robert walked out of my life, I have tried to at least stay busy. I work extra shifts at Dani’s, and have even had the time to finish working on my car. I thought when she was completed, I would have felt something. I had been working on her for so long, but when she was complete, all I felt was empty. Something is missing, more like someone is missing. When she was done, I tried to pick up even more shifts here at work. Sam and Dani both tried to get me to take some of my days off. But, I couldn’t just let myself sit at home with just my memories.
I walk in tonight to see Sam shaking his head at me. I know they are only looking out for me, but I wish they understood this job was the only thing keeping me sane. I am at one of my tables talking to a couple of re
gular customers when I hear Sam call over the music.
“Hey, Bailey! You have a delivery.”
My heart rate picks up as I walk closer. They are the same flowers Robert sent me before. Taking the card out of the middle, I hold out hope they are from him and that he wants to talk. Maybe, he wants to see if we can fix things between us.
After reading the card, it feels like the floor falls out from under me. I drop the card to the floor like it is covered in poison and run out the back door with the flowers in hand.
“Bailey, wait! What are you doing?” Elizabeth yells trying to catch me. When she does reach me, I have tears streaming down my face. Why can’t she get I need the flowers away from me?
“They aren’t from Robert. They're from HIM! I have to get rid of them now.” She takes them from my shaking hands, and tosses them over the top and into the garbage for me.
“Now, what did the card say?” I couldn’t bring myself to tell her that my life here is over. That everything I worked for is for nothing.
He’s back. I mean I knew he was out, and had hired George. But, I had held out hope he had grown tired of this game of his. I should have known better. I should have figured out that he would wait until I was at my weakest point to show himself.
After the flowers are gone, I make my way inside as fast as I can. I hurry past the front of the bar and straight to the employee room to get my stuff. I leave without so much as a goodbye to anyone. I can’t afford to lose that much time. It doesn’t matter though; I won’t be here much longer. I have to leave to make sure he doesn't go after anyone I care about. I just have to make sure he knows I left. But, I also need to make sure he doesn’t follow me.
While I am driving home, I start to make plans on how I will leave. I need to think of a way I can get Elizabeth to agree to stay. As soon as I pull up at my home, I literally make a run for the door, afraid Vincent will attack me from behind. I should have never let myself get this comfortable!
When I first got out on my own after he almost killed me, I made sure to stay ready to run at a moment’s notice. Now, I’m not even prepared for a storm, much less him. I can’t let him get to me. I have to get away from Elizabeth. She will be the hardest to leave behind, but I have to for her own protection. If Vincent gets a hold of her, he won’t stop until she is broken beyond repair.
As I make my way upstairs to my room, I sense that something is off. Someone, or something, has been here. When I see my panties laid out on the bed, I know exactly who has been in my room. I also know he wouldn’t leave any evidence showing it was him. Vincent is smarter than that.
As I’m looking at the items he left out for me to find, I hear the front door open. If it’s Vincent, maybe he will finish what he started. I don’t even have the energy to run. I just slide down the door awaiting my fate. I wonder what Robert will think when he hears of my death. I can only hope he won’t blame himself.
The person is now making their way up the steps. That’s when I notice, there are two sets of footsteps heading up. “Bailey! Where are you? Bailey!”
“Elizabeth?” I whisper.
I’m so tired of fighting with myself, having to tell my head every day that I can do this; that he isn’t here. Only now, he is back, and I don’t have a way, or a reason to stop him. He will never quit until I am dead.
By the time Elizabeth and Sam find me, I’m in a heap on the floor. “He is back, like really back. Why can’t he just let me be? Why does he want to destroy me?”
Elizabeth sits beside me and holds me as I fall apart. When I finally compose myself, I look up to see Sam standing above us protectively. “Sam?”
I glance at Elizabeth with a questioning look. “We found the card where you dropped it. I was worried about you. Don’t just run off like that again, ok, especially with that crazy man out there.”
Poor Sam is looking more uncomfortable by the second. “Ladies, if there is no danger here, I am going to cut out. That is, unless you need me to stay?” He is looking more at Elizabeth than me when he says this. I wish Sam would tell Elizabeth how he felt, or she could see the way he looks at her. At least one of us would get a happy ending.
“Everything is good here. Thanks for the ride, Sam. Will you do me a favor though? On your way out, can you make sure the door is locked? I am just going to stay here with Bailey.”
Sam gives a small nod and starts to walk off. Before he gets to the stairs, he stops and comes back over to us. He bends down giving us a kiss on the tops of our heads. “You two know I’m here for you, right? If you need anything, I will do whatever is in my power to make it happen. I will also do my best to protect you from this asshole. If he has been around before now, I would have hoped you would have told me just so I can make sure that y’all are okay and safe.”
“Now that I have had my part in the chick flick moment, I am going to go clean up the items in there and check the house and yard to make sure all is good. You two need anything you have my number.” With that, he heads down the stairs.
An hour later, we are still on the floor, my head in her lap. It was then, Elizabeth decides to break the silence that had become peaceful. “Come on, let’s get off this hard floor. My butt has gone to sleep. What do you say we take the hint and join it?”
We decide to go to our own rooms. If I feel the need to, I will go to her room later if the memories become too much. I don’t tell her, but I have too much going on in my head for the memory of anything specific to make its way to the front of my brain. There is one thing I have to do tonight. If I don’t, I may never do it.
“This is Robert, leave your message and I’ll call you back.” Why did my heart break a little more this time, than it did all the other times? I had heard the same message in the days following our break up. Maybe, it’s because I know this will be the last time I hear his voice, the last time I call his number. Man, I really screwed this one up.
“Robert, this is Bailey. I’ve gotten the message that you don’t want to talk to me, and that’s fine. I completely understand. I just wanted to say goodbye. I also wanted to say thank you. You made me believe in love again. I knew that not all guys, not even the minority, are like Vincent, but to actually have had you show me what real love can be was amazing. To show me how it should be between two people, that was priceless.”
“As much as that meant to me, the thing I’m most grateful for is the fact you gave me hope. That is the thing I’ll never be able to repay you for. I didn’t know how much I needed that, so thank you. I hope I gave you at least one thing you can look back on and smile about. I know it will not be today, or tomorrow, but one day, and be glad that I was in your life for that reason. Anyway, thank you again, and goodbye.”
Before I can even lay my phone down, I’m a sobbing mess. I didn’t realize how much longing I still had for him, or how badly I wanted to have him walk back into my life until now. When I ended that call, it was like I cut the last line of hope of him to coming back. It is for the best, I know it is. If Vincent thought I was still with Robert, he would be the center of Vincent’s rage. I can’t do that to Robert. I love him too much for that. It’s just that every girl wants her guy to love her so much that he would be willing to fight heaven and hell for her.
I keep looking at my phone begging it to ring so I can say goodbye to him and not his machine. After about an hour of that nonsense, I finally crawl into bed. The next few days are going to be busy with packing and making sure the car is good to go. As I fall off to sleep, I can’t help but think about the times Robert and I worked on her. Now, she won’t be just a car I restored in memory of my Dad, but also a symbol of what Robert and I shared. Tomorrow will be a hard day, but it will be worth it in the end.
Chapter Nineteen
When I caught sight of Bailey running from the bar, I never thought this is what we would find upon entering their house with Elizabeth. The place looks
like someone just went through trying to destroy anything they could touch. We walk in through the living room, which even I know is rare for the girls. I hope Bailey never saw the mess. I make a mental note to make sure it is clean before I leave.
Elizabeth starts to call out to Bailey as we enter the house, but if this guy is as bad as Elizabeth says he is, we don’t need to let him know we are in the house if we can help it. I didn’t tell Elizabeth but I have my forty caliber in the back of my jeans. I have to be prepared to protect the girls if the need arises.
We can hear Bailey crying from upstairs so we slowly make our way toward her. The whole time I’m praying that he doesn’t have her. I’m not sure what all she lived through before she came to Dani’s, but I have seen what I am sure are just some of the scars.
I couldn’t help but replay the night when I had accidently walked in on her changing in the employee room. As soon as I walked in and saw her, I turned my back but not before I took notice of her scars. Even with the embarrassment, I should have asked, but I couldn’t bring myself to ask about them, as that might have led to her asking questions about my past. And, that is one thing that needs to stay hidden. When we are almost to the top of the steps, I push Elizabeth behind me. I can’t let anything happen to her; I couldn’t handle if I failed, again.
I see Bailey crumpled in her doorway, and my heart stops. I think I’m too late to save her, until I see her chest expand with a breath. Elizabeth rushes to her side and checks her over for any wounds, though I think Bailey is so out of it she never notices. At her nod that everything is fine, I start to relax. I hear Bailey and Elizabeth talking, but I am trying to hear past them for any other sounds in the house.
After a few moments of not being able to hear anything beyond their talking and crying, I tell Elizabeth my intentions of making sure he isn’t still around. I know I should have done that sooner, but I wanted to be there with the girls in case they needed me.