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Game Plan (The Entwined Series Book 1) Page 14

  “I get off in about an hour. Meet me here.” Finally, I can breathe again. I get up and kiss her cheek. I don’t want to press my luck and push her too far. By the time I’m ready to walk away, we have gathered several onlookers. “I am going to go. I will be here in an hour. Thank you!”

  As promised, I’m there to meet her when she finishes her shift. We walk along the beach after I driven her back to the hotel. Walking in the sand hand in hand feels so natural. It’s almost like we have never been apart. Her laugh still fills me with as much, if not more, happiness than it had the first time I heard it.

  As the clouds started to move in, we decide to head back to the hotel room. When I turned the corner heading toward my room, there was man I had only seen in one picture. One from a news article I had looked up. I tried, but couldn’t stop Bailey from coming around the corner. It was at that moment, my world come came crashing down.


  Chapter Twenty-three



  This can't be happening. He can't be here. How did he find me? This is how all of my nightmares start, but this time I know it isn't a dream. I look at him pointing a gun at my chest. I know he won’t shoot me because he won't make it that quick. It’ll be slow and as pain filled as he can make it. Because of me and my past, Robert is in danger.

  Before I can stop him, Robert steps in front of me, blocking Vincent’s view. I know that isn't going to make Vincent happy. It’ll only make things worse for him. Why can’t he, for once in his life, think of himself first? I can feel myself shaking. I know that is exactly what Vincent wants, but I can't stop myself.

  “Bailey, now you be a good girl and get in the car. If you do that and don’t cause a scene, I may just let this little boy keep breathing. They never said I had to let him live. I should just kill him on principle. Didn’t anyone ever teach you not to touch someone else’s property, boy?”

  Before I can move toward Vincent, Robert is putting his arm back to stop me from moving from behind him. Robert asks the same question I am wondering. “What are you talking about and who in the hell is they?”

  Vincent gets that gleam in his eye because he knows something we don’t. Only he doesn’t get that Robert is only trying to distract him.

  “Oh, you little fool, did you think you could make people like Ronda look bad and get the upper hand without her retaliating? I’m her payback. She knows if you lose Bailey, it’ll destroy you. So, I’m here to make sure that happens and to get my own sweet revenge on the bitch for letting me rot in prison all this time.”

  I can feel the tears coming, but I know that if I let them fall, he wins. I can't, and won't, let him win anymore. I have to be strong, not for me, but for Robert. I have to make sure he survives this night.

  Robert shifts his weight to step forward, but I don’t have the time to stop him. He has his hands up and walks toward Vincent.

  “Look, I’ll give you whatever you want. Car, house, money; you name it and it is yours. You just have to turn and walk away. Leave me and Bailey here, and let us live our lives is all I ask.”

  Never have I heard Vincent laugh like he did at that. It’s the laugh of a lunatic. “Bailey won't be leaving here with you, so you can get that out of you head. The only question here is, whether or not you want to live. If you do, I suggest you get back in your car and go back to whatever hole you crawled out of.”

  When I see the evil grin cross Vincent’s face, I know I won’t get out of this unharmed, no matter what Robert does. He would do what he had to, even kill me. Whether it was one of us or both, that was up to me.

  I couldn't let anything happen to Robert because of me and the stupid decisions I made in the past. I have been responsible for far too much of his pain already. I can't let Vincent hurt him because he tried to protect me. I was crazy to think he would let me disappear and walk away with no ramifications after I testified against him. If it is the last thing I do, I will get Robert out of this.

  “Vincent, let Robert go and I’ll go wherever you want. Just let him walk away.”

  Robert starts to protest. "Bailey, you can't go with him. I won't let you go back to that." At that moment, I know I love Robert with every fiber of my being. I’ll be able to die with a smile on my face, knowing he is alive. The look in Robert’s eyes hurts me more than anything Vincent will do to me.

  “Go; look after Elizabeth for me. Keep her out of trouble, and just know that I love you with everything I’m.” I know this part won’t go over well with Vincent but I have to tell Robert. He has to hear me say it. I can’t leave him here and not say the words I’ve longed to say.

  Maybe it’s selfish of me, as it’ll hurt him more, but I want him to know. No matter what happens, or how this night ends, he matters to me, and made a difference in my life. He made me believe not only in myself again, but also the fact that love is real and can heal a person. He gave me a reason to fight.

  “You, bitch!” Before I can turn around, I hear the gun cock. I wait for the pain of the bullet, but it never comes. Instead, I’m falling to the ground. Robert has shoved me out of the way. When I hit the ground, I feel a sharp pain on the side of my head, but I’m more worried about Robert. I am more terrified of what Vincent will do to him, more than I am myself. When I look up, I can see Robert holding his left shoulder and charging toward Vincent.

  My vision blurs, and it’s hard to move. I must have hit my head harder than I thought. I try to force my eyes to stay open, but no matter how much I struggle with them, they close on their own. Just as they close, I hear the gun discharge again. I scream Robert's name with the last bit of strength I have, just as everything goes black.


  When I try to wake up, it is difficult. My head is pounding and there is this annoying beeping sound. I won't even add the snoring on the list. After trying for what fells like hours, I am finally able to get my eyes open. I look over to see an IV in my arm, and Elizabeth sleeping in a chair next to my bed holding my hand. Sam is laying out on the couch. That is the moment it all comes back to me.

  “Oh God, it was real. No, please, don’t let him have been killed because of me. No! Please, God no!” I start thrashing about and try to pull the IV out. I’m not sure where I am trying to go; I just know I have to get out of here. I don’t want to see the sorrow in their eyes when they tell me he is dead. It’s all because of me. If only he had left when he had the chance too.

  While I’m trying to rip my IV out, Sam is trying to restrain me. Before I can utter a single word of protest, Elizabeth is standing by the head of the bed trying to comfort me. It isn’t until she starts to wipe my tears, that I realize I’m was crying.

  It’s like someone turned on a faucet, and I can’t stop it. My whole world has ended.

  “Bailey, you have to calm down. I don't want them to have to sedate you again. Please listen to me. You are safe. He can't hurt you anymore. You are safe. We are here. You made it! You survived, he will never touch you again.”

  When a laugh escapes my lips, she looks at me like I have lost what mind I had left.  "You don't get it, do you? I was fully prepared to die. I tried to get Robert to leave, and just let me go with Vincent. Robert is dead, and it is all my fault!”

  Elizabeth and Sam look at me with sympathy I don’t deserve or want. “Sweetheart,” Elizabeth says. “What exactly do you remember?”

  I try to think over everything that happened. “After Robert shoved me out of the way, I guess I hit my head. All I heard was the gun go off a second time and that was it. I am the reason he is dead. He died for me, I never wanted that!"

  I see Elizabeth’s mouth moving again, but whatever she is saying this time isn’t making sense to me. It is Sam’s voice that gets me to stop my rambling.

  “Bailey, stop and listen to what she is saying. Robert isn’t dead! He was shot in the arm when he shoved you out of the way, but he is fine. If you will calm down and leave the IV alone, I’ll go see
if the cops are done with him.”

  As his words finally get through to me, a weigh is lifted from my chest. “He is fine? You are sure of it?”

  “Yeah, hang on and just take deep breaths. I will get him in here whether they are finished or not.” With that, Sam rushes out of my room to bring Robert to me.

  “Bailey, are you sure you are okay? I mean, I’m sure you have a headache or something, but is there anything else wrong?”

  I’m about to answer, when Robert rushes into my room and over to my bed. The moment I see his arm bandaged, it hits me again just how close I came to losing him. I start crying uncontrollably, again.

  “I’m so sorry. You stupid idiot, why didn’t you just let me go? He could have killed you!” Robert is laughing by the time I finish. “Are you done yet?”

  “No, but you could kiss me to shut me up.” My words are all it takes to get him to bring his lips down to mine. He tries to keep it simple, but there’s no way I am going to let that happen, not after I thought I had lost him. We’re both gasping for air by the time we part.

  “Well, now that I know you are fine, what do you remember from that night?” While I recount to him exactly what I told Elizabeth, he goes to pull the chair she was sleeping in closer to the bed. When I finish, I demand he fill in the rest.

  “Well, I’m not supposed to talk to you about it until the cops talk to you, but screw it. After I pushed you out of the way, the bullet grazed my left arm. It isn't a huge deal. It won't even affect my playing time. Anyway, the shot you heard go off could have hit me. We were fighting over the gun. I think it shocked him when I ran toward him instead of away.”

  “I don't know, but he looked shocked like it never crossed his mind someone would fight back. He expected me to just lay down and let him take you. But, all I could think about was making sure that he didn't get another shot off.”

  “When the gun went off, it was between us. Luckily for me, it was pointing at him in that moment. I won’t go into detail, because you don't need to know any of that. Just know, he can't and will never hurt you again. He is gone, and I hope you don’t hate me for that.”

  “I know at one time you loved him, but, I can't feel sorry for killing him. I know I should feel bad, but he hurt you. He would have killed you had I not stopped him. I’m sure of that." It’s then I realize he is rambling, to keep himself from crying.

  “Stop. Robert, stop! I am safe because of you. You saved me. I could never hate you for protecting me. I wish you would have run away, but I owe you my life. I love you. Do you hear me; I love you?”

  “Bailey, what does it say about me…that it isn’t what happened that will haunt me for the rest of my life. Me killing a man, it pales in comparison to what I saw when I turned around. I thought in my rush to get you out of the way, I had killed you. I turned around and you were laying on the ground, and blood was covering the area all around your head. I tried to get you to wake up, but you wouldn't. You looked so pale. I honestly thought when you hit your head, I had killed you. I love you, and I thought I had done the one thing I was trying to prevent.”

  “Stop. What did you say?” I ask him, smiling.

  “Which part?”

  “About loving me. You love me?”

  “Yeah, I guess so, just a little bit.” With that, he leans in and gives me a kiss that speaks of all of his love and worries. It a kiss I will always remember.

  “Excuse me, we need to check out Miss Mills; the police, also need to speak with her. I will call your cell, Mr. Shelton, when they are finished. Why don't you go get something to eat?” After another kiss, Robert walks out the door with the nurse.

  “That boy hasn't left your side since you were brought in, except when he had to finish his report. He has even showered here. If I didn't have one of my own at home, I just might be jealous of that. I have informed the doctors that you are awake, and they’re on their way down to check you over. While we wait, I’m going to go ahead and check your blood pressure, and all that good stuff.”

  Just as she finishes with all of my vitals, a doctor walks in. He looks to be around my age. “Ms. Mills, I’m Doctor Reeves. We met earlier, but I have a feeling you don’t remember me. If it’s ok with you, I want to check out your head wound.”

  As gently as possible, he unwraps my head. “Well, you will be happy to know that the injury is looking good. We did have to put a few stitches in, but they shouldn’t be very noticeable at all. If nothing changes, I think I can let you go home tomorrow. How does that sound to you?”

  “I like the sound of that.” The doctor looks down to write some notes before he answers.

  “Okay, sounds good. Can you let the police in, please?” He directs the question to the nurse, but before she goes over to the door, she leans down and speaks so only I can hear.

  “I will stay with you, and if at any time it gets to be too much, you let me know and out they will go. I don't care who they are." I really think I could like this lady. With that, she walks to the door and opens it for the police. You can tell she has already informed them who the boss is and how this is going to go.

  I’m surprised to hear the doctor speak first. “Gentlemen, I know you have a job to do, but, she is still under my care. I will not allow you to upset her and set her health back. If at any time myself, the nurse, or Ms. Mill says to stop, you will do just that. Am I understood?”

  The cops simply nod and walk closer to my bed. "Evening, Miss Mills. We would like for you to tell us what happened the other night with your ex-boyfriend, please."

  I really don't know what they expected me to say, but I tell them what happened up to the point I passed out.

  “Well, thank you Miss Mills. We just needed your side so we can close out the case. Thank you for your time. We hope you have a good evening.” With that, they walk out, taking with them the last of my worries over Vincent. For the first time in years, I actually feel free.

  I’m released first thing the next morning, and by that I mean noon. Robert walks beside me while the lady pushed me in the wheelchair. "Dave is waiting for us downstairs with my car." Robert tells me smiling. I think he is relieved I am getting out, so he can go shower at home, and have a home cooked meal.

  “So the real question is, your place, or mine?” Smiling back at him, I ask the one question I hope he doesn't turn down.

  “How about our place?” Robert stops walking, and the lady has to stop to keep from hurting my arm as he doesn’t let go of me.

  “Are you asking me to move in with you, Bailey?” Feeling nervous, I nod my head.

  “Well, ok,” he says. “As long as you agree to marry me?” He looks worried, as though he actually thinks I would say no.

  “As long as we agree to nothing big just the team and the guys from the bar. I can live with that.”

  With that, his head pops up "So that is a yes?" I love that look in his eyes, the eyes I get to see for the rest of my life.

  “Yes, my answer is yes!”


  Chapter Twenty-four


  Over the next few weeks, we slowly move all of Robert’s stuff into the house. The majority of his stuff goes into the storage room, a.k.a, the attic. We did vote to keep his couch and chair and toss mine out. His stuff is a whole lot nicer. So far, we haven’t had any issues with the new living situation, but Robert has been gone a lot of the time with out of town games and practice. That is about to come to an end though.

  Tonight is the last game of the season. As hard as Robert and the team has tried, tonight’s game will be the deciding factor. It will determine whether they’ll have a winning season or not. The guys have sat down with their lawyers to figure out what their options are if the team does go up for sell. When I say they found more than they intended, it is an understatement.

  Elizabeth and I get our wish, much to Robert’s protest. We are officially tailgaters. We grill out and play games with other fans. We have a ball. I never th
ought I would love it like I do. A year ago, you wouldn’t have caught me within ten miles of this place, but today I am in the middle of the madness.

  Even with all of this fuss, Robert sneaks out for a few minutes to join us in the fun. “Hey, love, you ok?”

  I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face at hearing his voice. “You know you need to start heading in soon, so you don’t get caught up in the rush.” Always one to worry.

  “Don’t you think you need to be the one heading in? I mean, I am not the one who has to be on the field for warm ups.”

  Rolling his eyes, Robert turns around and starts back toward the locker room. “Hey, Bailey!” He waits until I turn, and our eyes meet. “Love you.” With that, he heads back in, never looking back. No matter how many times I hear him say those words, I never tire of them.

  “Ok, get that look off of your face, so we can get ready to go in.” Leave it to Elizabeth to be the one to break the mood. Shaking my head, I walk back to my car to start the painting process. Robert is going to die when he sees us tonight. I really do hope this stuff comes off easy.

  I sit here while Elizabeth is painting my face, thinking about how my year started, and how without all of my troubles, I wouldn't be here now. “You ready for this?”

  Looking up at the stadium, I answer with the only words I can. ”Always.”

  With that, we walk toward my future. A lot of people may say that they would change things that happen in their life. Not me, I won’t be looking back anymore, but I’d take all the pain again, if it meant ending up right here.


  Chapter Twenty-five

