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Game Plan (The Entwined Series Book 1) Page 6

  At this point, I am actually afraid of Ronda. There is a look in her eyes saying she is someone who will go to whatever lengths necessary to get what she wants. If I get close enough to Robert, I wouldn’t put it past her to kill me to mess him up enough to lose the right amount of games.

  “Why do you want to get rid of them so bad? It can’t be that bad owning a football team, can it? Your coaches and players do all the work, right? I just don’t understand why?”

  “Little girl, I am not paying you to understand anything. Got it! I am paying you to be distracting. I have noticed he is a bit tired at practice but not tired enough. Those dumb skulls are actually showing signs of improvement. So you need to do what I am paying you for, only better.”

  “I don’t care how you do it. Do you hear me? There are hundreds of girls I can replace you with in a matter of seconds. So, if you want to stay in this, pick up your game. Otherwise, get out of it!”

  “Look, I am doing all I can. We stay here late on the nights I work just talking. On nights I’m off, he comes over, or we go out. I’ll try to keep him out later or something, ok? But, I really wish you would change your mind about doing this to those guys. Most have families and are too old to go to another team to play. Clearing out the roster will be the first thing a new guy will do.”

  “Oh, you soft hearted fool. Why would I care about what happens to those meatheads? When I finally get rid of them, they will be someone else’s problem not mine.”

  “Look, ma’am, I was just asking so it could save you another season of dealing with your problem and save the team a bunch of heartache in the end. I was trying to make it a win-win situation for everyone involved. That may make me soft hearted and a fool, but at least I finally care again. That’s a big thing for me.”

  “Awe, poor you. I’m not paying you to care or what not; I’m paying you to see that they lose. So get that head of yours out of the clouds and make that happen. You figure it out, do you hear me? If you have to, tell Robert someone else on the team hit on you, or something of that nature. Whatever you do, break them! Now, here’s your money for this week. Make sure you earn next week’s.”

  “Earn next week’s? Lady, I’ve done everything to keep him busy. He even came over and worked on my house a few days. That includes painting my house, and fixing the steps and porch. If that didn’t cut into his time, I don’t know what will,” I tell her as I slide the envelope off of the table.

  “Well that isn’t my issue, it’s yours. Got it!” As Ronda walks out of the bar, I feel Elizabeth walk up beside me.

  “Ok seriously, I really don’t like that woman.” Leave it to her to hit the nail right on the head.

  “Yeah, me either, but she’s a means to an end for us. She provides us the money, which gets us the parts we need to fix the car so we can leave this town. That is, if you want to. I'm not making decisions for you, but there is a seat next to me if you want it. I just know I have to go. If he is out and looking for me, I don’t have a choice but to go.”

  “Heck, I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t. You could stay here and maybe see where things could go with a certain bartender.” She puts her arm around me hugging me to her side

  “Where you go, I go. Got that missy? Also, I am going to act like you never said that last part.” With one final smile, she walks off to finish up. The night ends without any more issues. For once, we actually get to leave on time. I don’t see Mr. Phillips at the bus stop tonight. Hopefully, he realized he had the wrong person and that nightmare will be over.

  After we get home, I look at my phone to see Robert has called. Deciding to call him back after I’ve gotten ready for bed, I take my phone with me to my room. It doesn’t take long before I’m crawling onto my bed while hitting his number. It rings twice before he picks up.

  “Hey, babe, how was work?” Hearing his voice helps soothe my wrecked nerves

  “It was good, made decent tips tonight. Nothing too exciting.” Robert goes silent for a few minutes. I can hear him breathing so I know he’s still there, but he is remaining silent. I’m ready to break down and tell him everything when he finally speaks.

  “You ok? You don’t sound like yourself. Did I do something wrong?”

  How am I supposed to answer that? I feel bad because I am starting to like you, but I made a deal with the witch that owns your team to make all your hard work go down the drain and mean nothing. I feel bad about it, but I can’t help it because it’s a done deal. I need the cash to fix my car so I can leave this town and you behind. All because I was stupid in my younger years, and got messed up with the wrong guy. Now, I must stay on the move when I can afford the luxury.

  Instead, what I say is, “I’m good, just tired. Work was long and exhausting. Nothing out of the ordinary. So, are you ready for tomorrow night? It is your first game of the season.” I hold my breath hoping he will buy the lie, and if not, that he will at least let it go. I release the breath I’m holding when he starts talking.

  “The guys seem ready to play. We will get a good idea on what we need to work on for the next week. I’m hoping if there’s any way possible, you can come to our home game next month. I know you don’t know your schedule yet, but we don’t play until Monday night. I know it’s usually a slow night at work for you. I’m not sure how the games effect your work schedule, and if you can’t work thing out I’m okay with that.”

  “I just wanted to make sure you knew that if you had the day off, I would like for you to be there. I also got you a jersey with my name and number on it. I just didn’t know if you would actually want it.”

  Does this man’s kindness know no end? “I would love to come see you play; I will make sure I have off.” Why I’m so excited about the idea of going to a game I know nothing about and have no interest in is beyond me; but okay?

  “What about wearing my jersey? No pressure or anything. Also, I have a seat for Elizabeth, so you’ll have someone with you that you know. I even thought ahead and got her a jersey to wear, not my name, but a jersey nonetheless. I even went as far as to arrange transportation.”

  He has absolutely thought of everything I do believe. “It sounds amazing. I’m sure your arrangement is better than the bus or taxi which is what I’d have planned on. I know, I’m so classy right!” I couldn’t help the laugh I let out at my words.

  “That is something else I wanted to talk to you about. Look, I have an extra vehicle at my house, and I never really use it. I was wondering if maybe you would like to drive it. Just until you get the horse up and going. I really don’t like the idea of you, actually either of you two, on the bus so late at night especially with the PI out there, and without us knowing why. I would just feel better if you weren’t on the streets walking at night.”

  I stay quiet as a tear slips out of the corner of my eye. It has been so long since anyone, other than Elizabeth, has cared about my well-being enough to do something like that for me.

  “Are you sure you don’t mind? I know how you are about your cars. If something happened to it…because I do work at a bar you know, would you be able to even look at me?” As I ask this, I chuckle, but I am actually being serious. The man puts most men to shame in the way he babies his car. He actually wipes it down every morning, and if there is a tough spot, he brings out the water and soap to take care of it.

  “As long as you can drive a stick, I’m good with letting you drive this one. It is actually the vehicle I had in college. It isn’t anything really special, just an ‘84 Jeep Renegade. Now, it isn’t a piece of junk. I have had restoration done on it, and I would cry like a baby if something happened to her. But, I would live and I wouldn’t even kill the person who hit it. So what do you say, want to help me rest easier?”

  This man is going to make me rethink everything I thought about men in general. I knew there were good guys out there, don’t get me wrong, I have just never met one until now.

  “Sure, I’d love to. It will make our lives a lot easier. We would
n’t have to leave for work so early, and we would get home quicker. Which means, you can get to sleep sooner. You need to know, I don’t know how soon I’ll have mine up and running; it could still be months. What if you start wanting to drive the Jeep? I’d feel bad if I had it and you wanted it.”

  “You overthink things, you know that? I can easily drive over and pick up the Jeep. It wouldn’t be that hard to make it work. Just say yes and hush. You know you want to.” I know he hears my laughing when he starts to sound flustered.

  “You just like to mess with me, don’t you? I will get you back, you know that.” At his words, I stop laughing. Those last words send me reeling. He didn’t mean it like that. He isn’t like Vincent; he’s joking, that’s all.

  I try to talk myself out of having a full blown panic attack. I can hear Robert yelling my name, but it sounds like he’s underwater, or maybe I’m. I can’t stop the images that run like a movie through my mind. I remember the first time Vincent hit me. Vincent holding me down, kicking me until I was unconscious from the pain. Vincent holding a knife to my throat, telling me if I ever left he would kill me.

  “STOP IT!”

  I hear myself screaming, but I can’t pull myself out of my downslide. I scream until my throat is raw. I hear Elizabeth yelling, trying to get me to stop doing something, but the harder I try to understand her, the clearer my visions become. I have to lock my memories away, but I don’t have the strength to fight them back.

  I hear pounding on the door downstairs, and Elizabeth rushing to get to the door. Please don’t let it be him. I’m not sure which him I don’t want it to be. Maybe if it is Vincent, he will finish what he started, and I will be free from this pain. I don’t want Robert to see me like this.

  “Robert, you can’t come in here, get out!” I hear Elizabeth arguing with him.

  “I’m not going anywhere until I see that she is ok. I could hear her screams outside. What the hell is going on? Move out of my way, Elizabeth, or I’ll pick you up and move you myself!”

  His words send more memories to the forefront of my mind. It’s like he is here, and there is nothing I can do to stop him. To stop this. I feel myself shaking, and my nails clawing at my skin.

  Finally, I feel it ending. The edges start to blur, and I feel myself losing the battle as everything fades away.

  Sometime later as I come to myself, I feel someone holding me. My mind starts to race with who it is. Before I get lost in my mind, the scent coming off of him calms my still shattered nerves. I know then I’m safe, that it’s Robert who is holding me.

  I look down at my now bandaged arms. This was the worse flashback I’ve had in a long time. I should have expected it having been around Robert so much, but usually I can feel it coming on and stop it. This time though, the memories were so powerful it was like I could still feel the places Vincent had punched and kicked me.

  My biggest problem now is what do I tell Robert? If I tell him what I allowed Vincent to do to me, he’ll never want to speak to me again. I am afraid he will see me as weak and someone not worth his time. I know our relationship has an expiration date, but I don’t want this to be the day.

  I like the way he makes me feel. I am seeing more of my old self coming out. The person I was before Vincent broke me. I didn’t even know how much I had missed being that person until Robert brought me back too normal. I have to give him some explanation though. I don’t think, yeah I just freaked out and clawed my arms up for no reason at all, will work.

  Before I can figure out what I’m going to tell him, the door to my room opens, and I see Elizabeth slide in. “How are you feeling?” We both know this is a loaded question.

  “Okay I think, exactly how bad was it?” I’ve the feeling, from the look on Elizabeth’s face, I don’t want to know the answer.

  “It was the worst I’ve ever seen you experience. When Robert pulled up, he could hear you screaming all the way from the drive. He forced his way in the house because he thought someone was attacking you. I tried to stop him, but he was determined to get in.”

  “I think you may have to tell him. I didn’t say a word about your past. But, sweetie, it looked bad when he got in here and you had cut yourself up pretty good with your nails. It took us a while to stop all the bleeding. I think he still believes this was done to you by an intruder.

  “I personally believe being prepared with some lame excuse isn’t going to cut it. I’m sorry, but you are at the crossroad now. What exactly happened to set this off? God, I hate to ask this, but are you sure you need to continue with this? I’m not sure this is such a good idea anymore if things like this are going to happen. Maybe you aren’t ready to be close to a guy again.”

  Elizabeth looks more worried about me than she has in a long time. I wish I could put her at ease, but I don’t think I can. I am sure more things like this will happen if I continue to see Robert. The worst part is, I can’t stop them completely even if I did stop seeing him. The only sure way is to stop everything, and I can’t do that. I refuse to stop living. I won’t let Vincent win.

  I want to say my refusal to stop seeing Robert is about the money. It isn’t though; I have really started to care for him. However, he will end it with me when he finds out what I have done. Until that time comes, I will make as many memories with him as I can to help me survive in the future. I know I don’t deserve it, but I’m going to take in all the happiness I can.

  With tears in my eyes, I say the only thing I can. “Elizabeth, I know he needs to know. I just don’t know what I am going to tell him. He can’t know the truth about what happened. What guy would want to be with someone with a messed up history like mine? I’m damaged goods.”

  “I would.”

  Elizabeth and I almost jump out of our skins when Robert speaks.

  “How much did you hear?” I ask him nervously, making sure I keep my back to him. “To be completely honest, not a lot, but no matter what it is I would want you. Your past isn’t who you are. Your past, whatever it maybe and I have a good idea by the way, made you who you are. I really like the strong woman I know. You don’t have to tell me anything you aren’t ready to tell me, but when you are ready, I’m here and more than willing to listen.”

  “You should know I won’t judge you. Just promise me one thing. Promise me that you are ok with me. I don’t want to be the reason something like this happens. Knowing that something I said, or did, caused you pain would kill me. You have to help me and let me know what I can’t do or say. I don’t want this to happen again, not because of me, please.”

  The pain in Robert’s voice is like a knife to my heart. The fact he blames himself is the part that hurts me the most. I turn over to face him so he will know that I don’t blame him and that he shouldn’t blame himself. As he feels the bed move, he starts to get up and leave the bed. I grab his arm to stop his progress.

  “Robert, will you please look at me. It isn't you. Yes, something you said brought memories rushing forward, but that wasn’t your fault. You had no warning anything could set me off. When I say anything, it could be just that…anything, a smell, word, or just an action. I want to tell you what happened, but can you give me some time because my nerves are too frail at the moment. I can’t make myself relive all of what happened to me at the moment. I’ll tell you, just let me have a few days.”

  I hated I had to leave him feeling like it was his fault. I just couldn’t do it, not today. I turn to get up as Robert speaks. “Hey.” He reaches for my arm this time, and I jerk back out of habit. He backs up with his hands in the air.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to do that. What I was going to say is; you take all the time you need. If you need space to deal, I’ll give you that. Just tell me what you need and it’s yours. All I ask is that you not shut me out. Don’t run away from me. That’s the one thing I couldn’t take. Losing you would break me.”

  This is one promise I can make, since I know he’ll leave me in the end. “I promise I won't push you away.”
With that, I get up to go into the bathroom. When I have the flashbacks, it is best to get in the shower as soon as I get up. Some people don’t like to, but for me, it helps me feel in control. It’s like I am washing the images that resurfaced down the drain.

  After I finish my shower, I go into my room to find Robert still there with all of the supplies to bandage my arms.

  “Come on and sit down so I can get them covered and fixed up again. After I do this, I need to get back to the hotel. That’s, if you are okay?”

  With a small nod, I walk to the bed and sit next to him. “I can do it, you know, if you don’t want to. I would also completely understand if you don’t.” Robert’s eyes make contact with mine for merely a second, and then he looks back down and gets to work. When he’s almost done with everything, I find the strength to talk to him. Not about my past, but about last night.

  “I’m sorry I scared you, and that you rushed over here for nothing. I really want to tell you what happened but right now, I just can’t. I can tell you about last night. You have a right to know that much, since you could have killed yourself as fast as you had to drive to get here so quickly.”

  “Wait, you knew when I arrived? You could hear me? But, you didn’t say anything then. I don’t want to sound like I’m accusing, but why didn’t you say you were fine. At least let me know you knew I was here?” Placing my hand on his to get him to stop messing with the wrap, I try to explain the best I can.

  “When I have those memories, yes, I can hear you, but it’s like a dream in a way. I can’t control myself, and it’s like I’m living that situation again and the life I have now is nothing more than a dream. You see, that’s where my mind, body, and soul are at that moment. Yes, things break through, but I can’t respond no matter how hard I try. It has to play out when the memories are that bad.”

  “Now, I do have some episodes that aren’t that extreme, and I can control them; or even stop them at times. Last night was a replay of some of the worst times I have ever had in my life. Ones that have left me broken and hurt so that even ten years later I still am not over them. I’m sure when you fixed up my arms you saw the evidence of some of the nightmares of my past. I’ll tell you about all of them if you want. I really will in time. Please, just don’t write me off yet.”