Game Plan (The Entwined Series Book 1) Page 9
“We won, can you believe it? The guys worked like a well-oiled machine. No one could have asked for them to do any better.” The smile on his face turns a little sad. “I could have asked for one thing, though.”
“Robert, you guys won; what else could you have wanted?” This crazy man actually looks sheepish. What could make him look like that?
“You, to be here. That was the only thing missing today. It was you. I know it’s crazy, but I missed you.” Hearing that he missed me makes me happy and sad all at once. I never wanted him to get attached to me; not really.
I know that’s what I’m supposed to do, but I just hoped he wouldn’t. I don’t want him to get hurt when it all hits the fan. I’ve even tried to keep myself from falling for him. It hasn’t worked, but my one saving grace is that I’d be the only one with a broken heart. I know I can survive it as I have before.
I know I’ve been in my head thinking too long when he starts trying to backtrack. I do say the only thing that can help. “I miss you, too. It may seem crazy, but I do.”
“Good, I was starting to think this was all one-sided. Listen, me and the guys are about to go out for supper. I just wanted to call you before you had to go to sleep.” With that, we hang up and I fall asleep with a stupid grin on my face.
Chapter Thirteen
I’m pulled out of my sleep the next morning by my computer ringing. Thinking it’s Robert, I drag myself to it. “Robert, it’s four in the morning. What is it?” Only it isn’t Robert’s voice I hear coming from the speakers. “Jackson, honey, turn on the camera.”
When he does, the worry in his eyes stops my heart. I know there’s only one person who would have them calling.
“Bailey, I’m not really sure what…”
I cut him off unable to take his speech. “Jackson, where’s Robert? Is he okay?” As I’m waiting for the answer to my questions, I hear a scuffle in the background, and then Jackson is shoved out of the screen. Another team member appears in front of it.
“Bailey, my name is Bobby, and I hate to meet you this way. Robert is fine, just remember that while I tell you what happened, ok. Think you can do that?”
He actually is waiting for my response. The man must have a death wish. “I will; now if you don’t tell me what the hell is going on, I am going to come through this computer and beat you.”
With a small chuckle, he nods his head. “You are just as Robert said you would be. So, we all decided to go out for some drinks tonight to celebrate. Robert, being the old man he acts like he’s, didn’t drink and instead watched the younger guys.”
“On the way home, he passed out, and we couldn’t get him to regain consciousness so we called an ambulance to take him to a hospital. It turns out; he has a concussion from the lick he took during the game. The doctor on call said he would be fine, but he has to sit out of a few practices. He had come to by the time we left.”
I feel like something is sitting on my chest. Robert is hurt. I feel so helpless. I am in the middle of trying to figure out what to do when something daws on me. “Bobby, you said from a hit he took today. Robert didn’t tell me anything about a hit that bad.”
Poor Bobby looks like he wants to be anywhere but here. “Well, he took a good hit today, and we all, including the personnel, thought he was good to go. He even played the rest of the game. The most important thing is that he is okay.”
After thanking the guys and hanging up, I walk back over to my bed to lay down. With a million and one things running through my head, I know sleep will be hard to find again. The main question that keeps me awake is why didn’t he tell me? Did he think I wouldn’t care? Did he write it off as no big deal, just another at the office kind of thing?
When the sun starts to rise, I decide to give up and go downstairs. I take the laptop with me. After starting the coffee, I make sure my computer’s on in case one of the guys try calling again.
I have only been downstairs for about an hour when the computer goes off again. This time they are letting me know they went ahead and released Robert, and that they are going to swing by and pick him up on the way to the airport. They also inform me of the time they should arrive back here.
Of course, the first things to be are to stop by and get their cars and attend the after game meeting, where they will set the schedule for the next week. If I had my way, I would have met them at the airport, but nope I have to follow team rules and let me tell you it sucks.
The day passes at a snail’s pace. It could be from me watching the clock nonstop waiting for the team's plane to land. I am ready to lose my mind when there is a knock on my door. After checking to see who it is, I throw the door open and I am in Robert's arms.
I allow myself a few minutes to just hold him and to reassure myself he’s fine, that he’s standing here with me. When those few minutes are up, my anger rises. "What do you mean not telling me you were hurt in the game? Something very serious could have been wrong and you went out partying. How could you? You should have been at the hotel resting."
The whole time I’m letting him have it, I’m poking him in the chest with my finger. I hope he understands how worried I am about him. “No, I have to hear it from Bobby when Jackson calls me at four am!”
When I’m done, I try to hide my face so he can't see the tears in my eyes. It, of course, doesn’t work, and he uses one of his fingers to tilt my chin up toward him.
“Bailey, I’m sorry. Seriously, if I had known it was more than just a good hit, I would’ve said something. I had no signs of anything being wrong even after the game. Now, I’m fine and should be clear to play in the game next week. It isn't that bad; I just have to sit out a few practices. I still have to be there, but I’ll be there just to be there.”
“I promise; the next time I take a hit like that you’ll hear it from me. Now, are we good? If we are, I need to let Jackson know so he can leave."
“If you think you’re leaving my sight anytime today, you’re crazy. I have already called into work and have the day planned out. We spend the rest of the day hanging out on the couch watching movies and eating junk food.”
As the day winds down, I start preparing for the week ahead. I have to figure out how I’m going to be able to let him go back out there after he gets the all clear. I know I’m being irrational and that he’s done this for years. But, I can't help the fear that has taken root inside of me. “Robert, can I ask you something?”
At his acknowledgement, I continue with my question. "What are the odds of you getting really badly hurt and what is the worst that can happen?" I’m not real sure if I want the answer or not, but I feel like I should know the answer to better prepare myself.
“Except for the one you now know about, I could break an arm. That would be the worst, well that or a torn muscle. That would mean I’d have to take major time off, but it’s the linemen’s job to make sure that doesn't happen. People get through. It happens, but my guys are good. I will be fine, and no, I can't promise to never get hurt. I can promise to do my best to make sure I’m safe and everything goes as planned.” With that, we settle back in to finish the movie and try to lose ourselves in it.
Chapter Fourteen
Again, the week passes by too quickly for my liking. Robert and I have hardly had any time together between him trying to prove he is up for playing this week and my work schedule. I was always there so I could be off for the game. I had thought about seeing if I can change it back as I didn't think he would get cleared to play, but when he sets his mind to something, I don't think anything stops him. He got cleared with days to spare. So tonight, I finally get to see Robert play in person.
I’m so excited I can hardly wait. All Elizabeth has talked about all day is the hot men. Me, I am just excited to see Robert play. He has a love for the game that surpasses anything I’ve ever seen. He looks like a small boy every time he
comes over after a practice, or when we are watching a game on TV whether it’s college or a replay of an NFL game. He has to recollect everything for me. I never tell him that none of it makes any sense to me even after he explains it. I’m just happy to see him like that especially after telling him about my past. I was worried for nothing it seems.
As we get ready to head out for the game, we make sure to have on the jerseys Robert bought us. The back of mine bears the name Shelton and Elizabeth’s jersey says Hulsey. I never imagined I would like having his name on my back, or that I would like the feeling that he is claiming me with his name. I should be curled up in a corner having a panic attack, but I’m standing on my own two feet. In that moment, I make a promise to myself and even to try to bring Elizabeth in on my plan.
“Hey, Elizabeth, before we actually leave this house, I want to put this out there. Tonight, we are going to go out and have the time of our lives. We are going to live like we don't have a tomorrow, okay. I want tonight to be one of those I look back on twenty, thirty or forty years from now and say I had the best night I could have had with one of the best friends a girl could ever have. There will be no regrets from here on in. We both need this night of fun. So, what do you say?”
A smile stretches across Elizabeth’s face, one I haven’t seen in a while. “Are you kidding? I say we live this night like it is the last. We party and cheer your man on and make sure we are loud enough for him to hear us.”
As we embrace each other, there is a knock at the door that makes both of us jump and almost fall to the ground.
I look at the clock and see it is noon, and I know it must be the driver for the town car Robert has ordered for us to ride to the game. I know the poor guy is wondering what he has gotten pulled into when I opened the door. Elizabeth and I are still laughing like crazies.
“I swear we aren’t drunk. You just scared us. We lost track of time and when you knocked, we almost fell on our butts. I’m Bailey, by the way,” I say as I stick my hand out for him to shake.
“Ma’am, I’m Oliver your driver for this evening, and I do apologize for frightening you. Are you almost ready to go? If not, I can wait out here. I am glad to take any bags to the car you may need.”
Bags? At least, I’m not the only one lost on that as Elizabeth looks like she missed a major memo. “Where do you think we are going?” Maybe, he got the wrong information.
“You are headed to the stadium are you not?”
Well there goes that idea.” Why would we need bags to go to a football game?” Elizabeth tries this time.
“Ma'am, I have been doing this for a few years now, and you would be surprised at how many ladies I pick up that actually bring bags with a few changes of clothing.”
“All we’re bringing is ourselves. No bags, no anything like that, and as far as I know, we are ready to go if you are?”
The car is awe-inspiring. The fanciest I have ever had the pleasure of riding in. It is so clean and expensive looking I’m actually scared to touch anything for fear of breaking it. Oliver informs us of the drinks and snacks that are available in the car and tells us that if we find ourselves without something we like, we are to let him know and he would make sure it was in the car for the trip home.
But, Robert had thought of everything. All of our favorite candies and drinks are there for us to indulge ourselves. He has to have a photographic memory. No guy should remember half the things he does. But somehow, he never misses a beat.
“Wow! Robert sure knows how to travel in style,” Elizabeth says on a laugh.
“Look, don’t touch anything until later ok.”
Just to show me she would and could, she pops another whopper in her mouth. “What? If he didn’t want us to eat this, he wouldn’t have ordered it to be in here.”
One day that girl will learn to listen. Actually, I really don’t think she will, but I can hope.
“Hey it looks like you have a gift.”
What in the word is she talking about? I turn to see her holding a box out to me. It’s wrapped in gold paper. Lord, what did that crazy man do now? I open it to find a note from Robert on the top.
I wanted to give this to you tonight, but I couldn’t wait for you to have it on. I thought long and hard about what all you told me. It took time to find the right piece, but what I decided on is perfect for what I wanted the item to mean. I want you to think of me every time you look at it. I want to be the light in your darkest moment. I want to be the light to guide you back home safely and to protect you from harm.
I hope you love it. I don’t think I have ever put this much thought into a gift before.
Yours always,
When I open the box, I am blown away. Sitting on blue velvet, there is a necklace with a lighthouse charm. It is so simple and yet so perfect at the same time. I immediately take it out and have Elizabeth help me put it on. I take out my phone after she has it latched and take a picture. I send it to Robert along with a text.
Thank you so much for the gift. It’s so beautiful, and the meaning behind it makes me speechless. No one has ever done something like this for me before. The thought you put into it means so much to me. I’ll never take it off.
The ride to the game is uneventful after that, and we arrive there in about thirty or so minutes. That’s no time considering how long it would have taken if we hadn’t had this car.
As we get closer to the stadium, we see more and more people grilling out by their cars, or just having fun in general.
“Man! We should be tailgating. Why aren’t we? It looks so fun.”
I agree; it looks like all of the people out there are having a blast. I get the feeling that I am being watched. I’ve felt it since George came in and confessed to me. If Vincent is watching, I can’t let him know he is getting to me. Maybe if I act as though I don’t know he is there, he’ll leave me in peace. I know, wishful thinking, but it was all I had at the moment.
We’re escorted to our seats and given our badges to get us in and out of the area. We stick out like sore thumbs. All the other women in the section look like they took all day to get ready. All I can do is look at Elizabeth and laugh. Leave it to Robert not to check what the other girls wear.
The game is so fun. We yell and boo with the crowd. My favorite part by far is the wave. To get that many people coordinated, it is an amazing site to see. The women sitting in the same section as us look at us like we have lost our minds. They obviously don’t participate in the actives; it makes me feel sad for them that they miss out on the fun.
When the game ends, we still know nothing about football except that the pants make the guys” butts look good, which Elizabeth can’t help to point to out to me several times. “Can we just sit here and watch the ground crew? Some of them are hot.”
Laughing, I pull her out of her seat, “Come on, we are supposed to meet Robert at the car.”
We end up waiting on Robert in the car for about an hour. Who knew that an after game meeting could take so long? Come to find out, they have a team meeting and then a group meeting. If you ask me, they even pound on their chests and all that manly stuff after the meetings are done.
When Robert finally appears, he informs us we are headed to Dani’s. After every win, they all go out as a team to celebrate. Tonight, they all decided to go to Dani’s for the post game party.
“So, what did y’all think about tonight’s game?” Robert asks like he actually wants a serious answer. I really hope he didn’t plan to actually get one though.
“It was fun; we defiantly plan to go to more games. Next time though, we want to do the whole thing, especially tailgating. Those people looked like they were having a blast out there. Elizabeth said she discovered guys’ butts look good in the pants. Other than that, we were more or less lost the whole time. Sorry.”
All he does is laugh and shake his head at us. “Well, I guess it could have been worse,
and you not have learned anything. Ill call it a win.”
When we arrive at Dani’s, we are one of the last to arrive. Poor Dani! There is no way she is prepared to handle a crowd this size. Even though they promise not to advertise they are here, I’m sure the word will get out and the place will become packed. I can only hope that by the time word does spread we’ll all be long gone.
On the plus side, tips for the workers will be amazing and Dani's will make a nice chunk of change tonight. These guys don't know how to do anything halfway, they’ll drink and eat until they can hold no more.
Robert goes to the bar to order us a drink while we grab a table near the rest of the guys. “So, any regrets for coming with me today?” Elizabeth looks deep in thought before she answers.
“Well, I could be here working, but I’m going with no. It was fun and definitely an experience to be had.” When Robert gets to our table, he finds us laughing at some off the wall comment one of the guys just made.
“You know, I’m always worried when I find you two laughing like that. I worry about what y’all are up to.”
The next few hours are filled with fun and laughter, but as I feared word gets out that the boys are here. Everyone wants a chance to party with the guys. Not that I can blame them, they are a fun bunch. But as the waiter is getting overwhelmed, Elizabeth and I decide to jump in and give them a hand. We have been up helping for about an hour when I look up to see if Robert needs anything, but he isn’t there.
“Do you see what I see?” I look to where Elizabeth is pointing, and low and behold, there’s Robert helping to run orders.
“I think I love him. I know it’s crazy, but I love him.” I never thought I would see the day I would actually love another man. I should have known Robert would somehow break down all of my walls.