Game Plan (The Entwined Series Book 1) Read online
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Robert nods and gets back to making sure all the wounds are covered and protected. This is going to make for a long day.
It isn’t long after he finishes that Elizabeth yells that she has my comfort food ready. We have a simple meal, orange juice and French toast. After we finish and clean up, Robert gets up to leave.
“Do you mind if I have someone come over and take y’all to work. The game should be over in time for me to pick you up tonight. You don’t have to say yes, but it would just make me feel better. Tomorrow, you can get the Jeep from the house. Or, if you don’t want that, I’ll give you the codes to get in and you can get it now. Whichever works best for you.”
“I would love it if you would pick me up from work. That way, I get to see you again today, and I maybe I can get you to come back and hang around.” He smiles and gets up thanking Elizabeth for cooking as we head outside.
While we stand on the porch saying goodbye, Robert grabs me in a hug and looks at me with relief in his eyes. “Thanks for agreeing to let me pick you up tonight. It makes me feel like I am doing something. Last night driving over here, I had all sorts of things going through my head. When I heard your screams and wasn’t able to do anything to stop them, I felt helpless and worthless; all in one package. So thanks.”
With a small kiss on my head, he heads down to his car. I stand there and watch as he drives off. When I can no longer see his tail lights, I finally go back in.
“Want to talk about it?” Elizabeth asks as I walk back in the door.
“Nope. I’m putting it behind me. So, now that we have the day to ourselves, what shall we do with it?”
Elisabeth gets off of the couch and brings me a package. “Well, you did get this in the mail. I think it’s something we can do and take up some of our time.” The package turns out to be my new ignition switch. It isn’t something that’s difficult to replace, so we should have more than enough time put the new switch in and even do a few other things to the mustang.
The day passes way too quickly for my liking. It always does when I’m messing with the car. We got the switch changed out and when I get a few more items taken care of maybe she’ll at least start. We even had time to get in some sleep.
As we head up to our rooms, Elizabeth asks the question she has been dying to ask all day. “So, about Robert. Do you think this is smart? I mean, like it or not, you both are getting attached to each other, and don’t bother to say you aren’t. I can see it in the way you are around him. You have an ease with him that you don’t even have with Sam, who we both have known for years.”
“Honestly, I even like him a bit. Not like that, silly, he just has this air about him. He wouldn’t hurt a fly and it comes through in the way he carries himself. How he acts with you. I would kill to have a man like him, to look at me like he does you. Just please think about it before you send him up the river, ok?” With that, she walks off to her room leaving me more confused than ever.
Chapter Ten
Right on time, we hear a knock on the side door. We know it’s the person Robert sent for us because he’s the only other person to use that door. Since we have been seeing each other on a regular basis, he has gotten used to our schedule and habits. How that man is able to practice and still feel up to picking us up on our late shifts, I’ll never know.
Thinking of him brings up a memory from a few weeks ago. Robert had stopped by to give us a ride into work. We had planned to leave early so we could grab something to eat before I started my shift. He hadn't been waiting but a few minutes when he started yelling “Hey you two ready to go?”
Patience is not one of his qualities. So, we had decided to make a game out of it a few days before when we noticed his impatience when he had to wait to give us a ride. We started down the stairs as slowly as possible. We made bets on how many times he would yell before giving up and going to wait in the car. We only made it halfway down when we heard the car door shut.
“I think he’s on to us,” I had informed Elizabeth.
“Crap, how else are we going to decide who does the dishes.” We were both laughing so hard I’m surprised we didn’t fall down the stairs.
“You know something may be seriously wrong with us. Why can’t we just flip a coin like normal people?”
Our laughing stopped when a loud horn went off right next to the door. “I think you were right, we are busted.” With that, we had both rushed out the door before Robert could do it again. We found him leaning against his car.
“About time you ladies got down here. I swear I thought I was going to have to go up after you and haul you down.” And there it was. That smile of his’s one dangerous thing. It could get Mother Teresa to agree to anything he wanted.
“Well, we could always go back up if you want to live out your caveman fantasy.” He had actually looked like maybe he was considering having me do just that, until Elizabeth had broken the spell brewing between us.
“Oh for Heaven’s sakes, would you two get in the freaking car already. So help me I’ll take this baby out for a spin, and I don’t have the love for old cars like Bailey does so no kitten gloves here.”
I don’t think I have ever seen Robert move that fast. Before I could take a step, he was back at the car telling Elizabeth she was never to even joke about driving his baby. She does know how to get a man where it hurts him the most. After that, there was no peace in the car. You would think those two were siblings the way they were going at each other. It was nice to see that side of her again, but that also meant when he found out about the deal I made, I’d not be the only one to get hurt. Why couldn’t everything go as planned? Then no one would get hurt in the end.
That memory is a good one, and I can’t help the laugh that escapes. The thing that throws me is the hollow feeling I have it ends. Greg, the friend Robert sent to pick us up, looks over at me with worry in his eyes. I try to smile to show I’m okay.
Before I know what’s happening, he’s opening my door. “You going to stay in there all night.”
I was so deep in thought, I jump at his voice. “Now, don’t get me wrong. I have no issues with you staying in the car, none at all. Just say the word and I’ll drive you out of here.” I can see the concern in his eyes, and how he is struggling with all the things going around in his mind. I wonder just exactly what Robert told him. I hope that what he was told wasn’t as bad as what really happened.
With Robert, I’d know what to do and say. The day I was just thinking about reminds me a lot of today. Except, it was different eyes that held that look. With Robert, I was able to play it off with simple humor. “Oh hush you just want to go back and play caveman. Don’t try to put that on me.” It seemed to work as Robert had laughed out loud. What I wouldn't give to go back to that day.
With Greg, I don’t know how to take the worry away. So, I simply get out and give him a small wave.
As I walk into the bar, I feel a sense of calm come over me. I know this place, the smell of the beer and the hardwood. The music, though ever changing, is playing from the jukebox. The men and a few women who are regulars are talking. I can find myself here. For some reason, I have always found this place a comfort. It’s never changing, and I love that about Dani’s.
Following the same routine as always, I take my stuff to the back, speak to Sam, and start my shift. The night is going smoothly with only a handful of hours left until last call. That was until I see him in the corner.
“Hi, I’m Bailey. I’ll be your waitress. Do you need a menu, or do you know what you would like?” I’m trying to act professional, but really I want to scream at him for scaring me a while ago.
“Miss Mills, I was wondering if you have a second I could speak with you? I will order, but I really came here to speak with you on a matter that is of the utmost importance.” Hearing his words, a sense of dread washes over me.
“Why don’t you just tell me what’s so important that y
ou had to come to my work.” I know I am being rude, but at this point I don’t care. This man had taken pictures of me and sat outside my house spying on me. Then, he has the nerve to come into my place of work to talk to me.
“Ma’am, I know this isn’t the best place, but I also know how private investigators work. This is the safest place for me to come talk to you. I’m afraid I’ve made a grave mistake. I was hired by a man to find out all I could about you. Where you work, who you hang out with, and if you were seeing anyone. I was told he was your brother, and that you had disappeared years ago.”
“He convinced me that all he wanted was an update on your life and to see if you had left some bad influences behind. He claimed he wanted to make contact with you himself, if that person was gone. I took the job and started to do my homework on you. Standard background checks, that sort of thing. I noticed that you had a boyfriend in jail convicted of attempted murder. I also saw that it was you he had attempted to kill.”
“I made sure to get his name and follow up on him. Thinking this was the guy your brother had mentioned, I called to give him an update. His phone must have been off, and I ended up leaving him a voicemail to call me. It was a good thing he didn’t answer. You see, for a lowly PI like myself, it takes a while, but I still stay on the job, I write down every detail, even the name on checks I am given.”
“On the day the guy walked into my office, something felt off with him. At first, I didn’t think anything of it since the check the man gave me had the name Angie Moore on it. When I asked, he said it was his wife. I called myself to check the information and it all seemed to be correct. Once the check cleared the bank, I started to follow you, and everything was going without a hitch until I received a voicemail from the man that had hired me.”
“He had called while I was out following you. He was very persistent in wanting me to call him back with an update on the information I had obtained on you. He was so caught up in demanding my return call; he made a huge mistake. He left his real name on the message. He wasn’t a Moore like he made me believe. He was your ex.”
“I didn’t give him any of your information. Please know that. But, I also believe I’m not the only one he hired. That’s why I had to come forward and tell you. Ma’am, you need to watch your surroundings and make sure to protect yourself. I’ve given him information to throw him off. But, if I’m correct about not being the only PI he hired, it’ll more than likely do no good.”
“I couldn’t have lived with myself if anything had happened to you and I hadn’t taken the time to come and inform you what was going on. I’m sorry to be the one telling you.”
It feels like the floor is falling out from under me. I can hear Elizabeth yelling my name, and then her yelling at Sam to come help her.
“What the hell did you do to her?” I try to tell Sam it wasn’t George’s fault. I try to tell him not to shoot the messenger, but I can’t seem to be able to get the words out of my throat. Luckily, I hear George reply to him that he hadn’t touched me, but he’d given me news that upset me.
“Look, I can’t tell you the news I shared, but I can give you this piece of advice. Don’t let her leave this building alone, and no offense, but I mean someone other than her friend here. Also, be prepared to protect yourselves and her at all times. I wish I could help more, but I fear I have done all I can at the moment. Please tell her I am sorry, and that if I can be of further assistance, tell her to call me. I’ll help her all I can.”
With that, I hear him walk out the door, and I look up from the ground. I know he didn’t have anything to do with any of this, but he had just shattered the life I had made for myself. I just couldn’t make my eyes look at the door he had just strolled out of.
“Here, honey, just breathe in to this and just take several breaths. We can’t have you blacking out on us now can we?” Dani says as she shoves a paper bag under my nose.
I have to get myself together. I can’t fall apart, not now that I have to come up with a plan to protect not just myself, but also my friends from my past. I’ll not let history repeat itself, even if I have to leave everything, and everyone behind. I’ll make things appear as though I was never here, if that is what it takes to make sure their all safe. It’ll kill me to leave Elizabeth behind, but she would be better off. Maybe then, she’ll see what could happen with Sam.
I have to come up with a better plan than what I have. I don’t want to think about leaving. I’ve come to love this town and my job. Now that Robert has entered my life, he will be just another person that’ll end up hurt if I have to go, and I don’t want to hurt him.
Everyone but Elizabeth leaves to give me room to breathe. “Honey, I overheard what he told you. I hate to say this, but you need to tell Robert. If any of us besides you are in danger, it’ll be him. He has to know; you can’t leave him unaware of the danger he is in.”
Knowing she’s right, I agree. “I will tell him tonight. Do you think you can get Sam to drop you off at the house? I don’t want you to go on the bus alone. Please, I know it is a lot to ask, but will you do it this once. I’ll even ask him so you don't have to.”
I can tell Elizabeth isn’t happy with this plan at all, but there is no way now that I know Vincent is out there that am I going to let her go alone. He’ll hurt her just to get back at me, and I’m not going to let that happen.
“Fine, I’ll ask him. You owe me for this one. You know that right?” I smile at her as she walks off to talk to Sam, and I see when he nods his head. Ok, so that problem is solved. Now, to figure out how I can tell Robert. We have liquor here at least so maybe that will help.
The rest of the night is busy with serving and chatting with the regulars. When Robert walks in, my stomach drops. I hope I am making the right decision telling him now. But, it is really out of my hands.
He nods toward the corner where he usually waits on me to finish for the night. Knowing what was going to go down, Elizabeth and Sam have helped, and we are ready to lock up as soon as the last customer leaves. Sam gives me a one arm hug to show me his support and goes out with Elizabeth.
“So, are we not leaving right this second, or have things finally worked out between those two.” His whole stance changes when he gets a good look at me. It’s as though he is ready to take on anyone trying to hurt me. “Hey, are you ok?” I really must look as bad I feel at the moment because he walks over to me.
“Look, can we talk? I have something I need to tell you.” God I hate Vincent now more than I have all of these years together. I’m not ready to do this, but what can I do?
“Robert, I have to tell you about my past. It isn’t pretty or happy. But, you have to hear me out, as this could now affect you. Please, don’t say anything once I start because if I stop I may not ever start again.”
Robert agrees though I can see the worry in his eyes. I wonder if it’s worry for himself and how what I say will change our relationship. I want to hope that the worry is for me and what I went through. I guess I’ll soon find out.
With a deep breath, I tell myself I can do this. You just have to take yourself out of the moment. It is just a story you are telling.
“When I was seventeen, I started dating a guy named Vincent. At first, I was shocked and honored that he would choose me as his girlfriend. He was the guy every girl in school wanted. With his nice tan skin, black hair, and blue eyes, he could have chosen anyone, but he picked me. We went to all the best parties. It was everything I could have wanted in high school.”
“Everything was great for almost a year, but one night at a party one of his friends was hosting, I made the mistake of dancing with another guy. We didn’t even touch, but it was enough to set Vincent off. That was the first night he hit me. It wasn’t some major thing; he just slapped me.”
“I was in total denial of what was starting with that first slap. He, of course, said it was my fault that he loved me so much, and I shouldn’t be trying to make him jealous. He swore he would neve
r lay a hand on me again. He kept that promise all of three months. That was the first time he left bruises on my arm. Again, he made it my fault.”
“After that, it was a common thing for him to hit me. I tried to leave him when we graduated from high school, but he said he would kill himself if I did. Stupid me, I believed him, and yes, I still loved him at that point, or thought I did. So I stayed, and it got worse and worse.”
“When I reached the age of twenty-one, I was finally going to walk. I had lost everyone important to me in my life because of him. I had no friends left to help me at that point. So, I stashed back money every chance I could. It was never enough though.”
“The night I finally said enough was when he walked straight in and broke my arm for no other reason than he had a bad day at work. While he was gone to the store to grab some beer, I started packing to leave him.”
“Looking back, I know I should have just left as soon as he pulled out of the drive. At the time, there were things I thought I had to take with me, things that I didn’t think I could live without. Because of that, he was back before I had gotten the chance to load all the bags in the car.”
“Seeing my stuff in the car and by the door sent him into a rage like I had never seen. He kept yelling that he would not lose me to someone else. He screamed that I was his, and that he would kill me before he let me leave.”
“That was exactly what he tried to do. I have the scars from where he stabbed me 14 times with a kitchen knife. He would have probably killed me that night, but the elderly couple that lived next door came over after calling the cops. He held a gun on Vincent, while his wife tried to stop the bleeding. I thought that night was going to be my last, and it almost was.”