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Game Plan (The Entwined Series Book 1) Read online

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  “In the weeks and months that followed, there were times I wished it had been. The scars at times were too much for me to handle because they are all over; not just the new ones, even the ones that had healed felt like neon signs.”

  “Vincent was convicted of attempted murder and was supposed to be in jail for several more years, but I found out tonight that he’s out. Do you remember the PI that was watching the house? Vincent hired him to get info on me. Anything and everything.”

  “The PI came here tonight to warn me. He lied to Vincent, to help me, after he discovered Vincent’s identity. He’s also sure he isn’t the only one Vincent hired. Anyway, what I’m saying is, if you stay with me, there is a very good chance that you could be putting yourself in danger. I couldn’t let you do that and not know what is going on. I want you to stay, and that’s selfish of me because I shouldn’t want you to risk your life by staying with me. But God help me, I do.”

  “George said the way Vincent acted, it wouldn’t be a good idea to go anywhere alone. What I am saying is, if you want to leave, I won’t blame you. It would be smarter, and make your life less complicated if you did leave me. I hate that my past mistakes could impact your life at all. I thought it was over. I should have known they would have found a way to get him out.”

  Robert reaches over to take my hand, and I try to jerk back. For once when I show resistance, he doesn’t give into me. “Bailey, look at me.”

  At his words, I finally look up into his eyes. I can see from the track marks he has been crying. “Bailey, I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I wish I could take all that away from you. Wait, no. I don’t because, yes, it is horrible what he did to you, but look at the woman you are today. You are strong and caring.”

  “You couldn’t get me to leave your side even if you wanted me to. I’ll be standing right here when, or if, he comes back. As for your scars, they are a badge of honor. Wear them as such, do you understand? You went through that and came out a better person.”

  “And, honestly, I think they are beautiful. Well, the ones I have seen. So please don’t have that look on your face as though I’m going to walk out the door and never look back. You are my world.” With that, he reaches up to wipe the tears from my cheeks and gives me the simplest, sweetest kisses.

  I’m not sure exactly what I expected when I told him. His calm demeanor worries me a bit. Most guys would have gotten up and hit something or smashed a couple of bottles. But not Robert, he is too busy making sure I am ok and safe. I hope I never have to tell him the rest. The verbal and emotional abuse were the worse. I don’t want him to see me as weak.

  If it comes to the point I have to tell him all of it, I will, but I pray I never have to do it. After the conversation is over, I get up and turn off the lights. I am so drained I can hardly walk to his car. After Robert starts the car, he reaches over and takes my hand. I try to pull away so he can shift, but he tightens his hold. We end up shifting the gears together. That’s the way I fell asleep.

  I must have been wiped out as I don’t even remember him taking me to my room. The one good thing that comes from telling Robert of my past is that night I don’t dream of Vincent and knives. Instead, I dream of old cars and Robert. Now if only I can make this work, I know for once I will be okay. I just hope Vincent doesn’t show up and make me regret staying here and fighting to keep the life I have.


  Chapter Eleven



  “Mr. Page your new lawyer is here for a visit.”  I look at the guard funny because I haven’t gotten myself a new lawyer. The last one bled me dry and still wasn’t worth a damn. I ended up behind bars no matter how I argued my case.

  Well, maybe I won the lottery, and some guy found my case worth another look. I used to see cases like that all the time on TV. Wouldn’t that be something, me ending up being famous because I stabbed that whore? Hell, they should give me a medal for trying to rid the world of her. Too bad those idiots arrived when they did. A few more minutes was all I needed to finish her off.

  Well, I might as well go see what this guy has up his sleeve. As we walk down the hallway to the interview room, I try to carry on small talk with the guard. He doesn’t seem to be in the best of moods, but he never has been the nicest of people anyway. Oh well. It’s his loss after all, because the things I could teach him and with his size, he would be a force to be reckoned with. No woman would dare tell him no, or back talk him. Such wasted potential; it’s sad really.

  When the guard opens the door, I couldn’t have been more wrong about the guy part. Standing in front of me is one fine woman. Short blonde hair, blue eyes, and legs that go on for miles. She radiates self-confidence. What fun I could have breaking her, making her bend to my every little pleasure. And damn, the rush I would have watching that fire die from her eyes. Before I can get too far into my fantasy, she opens her mouth and ruins it.

  “Mr. Page, I am guessing. I’m your new lawyer. I have come with good news. We were hired by a friend of yours to look at your case. We found several loopholes that your other lawyer missed. The loopholes in question are enough to get your conviction overturned. You will be free to walk out of here today, as soon as the paperwork is done.”

  “Okay, that’s nice and all, but who the hell hired you to get me out? Call me crazy but when something seems too good to be true, it usually is. I am no one’s fool, so you understand if I’m a bit concerned.”

  “Mr. Page, as I said before, my firm was hired by a friend of yours. Our bill is taken care of, but I will need you to stop by my office tomorrow so we can finish up some important paperwork. Now, if that is all of your questions, I need to go.  It was a pleasure to meet you, sir.”

  As she rushes from the room, she shakes my hand sliding a piece of paper into it. I know better than to attempt to read it here, and I know it will have to wait until I get back to my cell. Maybe the note would explain who paid her firm.

  “Alright, Page, let’s go. You may be walking out of here today, but for now you are still ours.”

  It’s another five hours until I’m released which gives me plenty of time to read the note. There’s nothing in it really; it’s just telling me that upon my release there will be a black car waiting to take me home, and that the car will also be at my disposal. The bill for the car is also being taken care of by my mystery friend.

  Not exactly sure when or where I made a friend that can afford this stuff; however, I’m not one to look a gift horse in the mouth.  When I’m finally released and walk out the gate, it is surreal. I’ve been careful not to expect getting out, thinking this must have been a joke or a mistake and that some other Vincent Page was supposed to be getting off.

  The fresh air is a welcome sensation. Yeah, we get to go out, but even if it’s fresh air, you are still looking at fencing. The car is waiting for me, just like the note said it would be. So now, I have to figure out who my mystery donor is and get prepared for tomorrow. First, I have to find somewhere to stay the night. I sure hope they don’t expect much when I show up in the morning.

  I end up staying in a local hotel just around the corner from the law office. When morning arrives, it feels off being in a comfortable bed and being able to stay in it for as long as I pleased. After being lazy for about an hour, I decide I need to get up and take a shower. I need to be at the office in the next thirty minutes.

  When I arrive, I’m taken right back to the blonde’s office where I’m greeted by some red headed gal I’ve never seen before.

  “Vincent, it’s nice to meet you in person. I’m Ronda Townsend, and we have a mutual shall we say, enemy. Let me explain. You see; I hired your ex-girlfriend, Bailey, to take care of a problem I was having, and she isn’t doing a very good job. Actually, I think she is doing the opposite of what she is being paid to do.”

  “So, I want to hire you to help solve my problem. I need you to get between Bailey and the guy she is seeing. I don�
��t care how. Make her run, kidnap her. I don’t care, but she needs to be gone. Do you understand?”

  “The only thing is, I can’t tell you where she is. If you’re caught, I won’t be taken down with you. But, that isn’t going to happen is it, Mr. Page. Now, I can tell you she is seeing one of my football players. Keep in mind, I need this to happen and happen soon and quietly.”

  This woman doesn’t know who she is playing. “I can always tell them you assisted me. No offense, lady, but you need to know that if I can save my ass by hanging you out to dry, I will.”

  She looks at me like I am nothing but the grime on the bottom of her shoe. I itch to teach her a lesson and her next words do nothing to redeem her.

  “Do you really think that anyone will ever believe you, a low life, over me? You are an ex-convict. Do you really think they’ll believe you? Look at me, and then look in the mirror. You are nothing without me, understand?” She doesn’t know it, but she just signed her death certificate, but for now she can wait. I have more important things to tend to.

  It doesn’t shock me to learn Bailey is turning tricks for money. Hell, how else would she have the nerve or money to leave me? My main question is about the guy. “What’s the plan for him? Is he off limits, or can I use him for my benefit?”

  The redhead glances over at the lawyer. “As for what should happen to Robert, that isn’t at the top of my worry list. If something should happen to him, I really wouldn’t be heartbroken. If you catch my drift?”

  “Now, also understand, my name must never be mentioned. We have never met and we don’t know each other. I will not bail you out again if you are caught. So play your cards right and be careful. Don’t make me regret getting you out.”

  With that, she walks out of the room and I look at Mrs. Moore. “Mrs. Townsend has set you up an allowance. You will get five hundred dollars a week to help carry out whatever you need to do. If you need any more, contact me, and I’ll see what can be done. Please make sure you keep track of when, and how, you spend the money. Ms. Townsend will not be funding your trips to strip clubs or bars. Now,do you need anything else Mr. Page?”

  Man what I wouldn’t give to wipe that smug look off of her face.  “Nope, I’m good. I just need to track down the no good piece of trash. Wait, on second thought. You said if I needed anything to come to you. Well, I am in need of a place to sleep. You think can hook me up with a place?” I figure it’s worth a shot. She has to be loaded right?

  “I know for a fact she has a few apartments. The team owns several that are empty at the moment,” Mrs. Moore says. “I am sure she won’t mind setting you up in one of those. Now that is taken care of, is there anything else I can help you with?”

  The first thing I do with the money is hire two private investigators. Why two? Well, in my experience, one of the two is going to stick their nose where it doesn’t belong, and I’ll be in need of a backup. I can’t have her disappearing on me after I find her.

  If either of these two has a brain, it’ll be George. With that task taken care of, it’s time for me to make plans for when I get Bailey back under my thumb again. She’ll learn her lesson and never betray me again. I’ll make sure of it.


  I knew I couldn’t trust the PI to keep his mouth shut. That is why I hired him. I had banked on George telling Bailey who hired him. I wanted her to know I was coming for her.  I wanted her on edge. I wanted her jumping at every little thing.

  This is playing right into my hands. Her instincts seem to have dulled since I’ve been away. I’ve been sitting here in the dark watching the bar since the day Berry, the second PI I hired, sent me her information. Not once has she taken notice of either of us.

  The second guy is an extra expense I wish I could have lived without, but it is always better to hedge your bets. I need a guy I can trust, just in case I lose track of her myself. When you’ve dealt with people like I have, you learn to listen to your gut. I’m not sure what I should do about George.

  I love watching her jump, and the look of dread that comes across her face every time someone opens the door. This is going to be fun. If it’s as exciting as I think, I may just let George live.

  As I sit here waiting patiently for the perfect time to go in and ruin her happy existence, I think of all the ways I’ll touch her. Not me exactly, more like my knife, and other tools.  I just can’t decide what to do first.

  She was never one to be blindfolded. That may be the first thing, leave her in the dark so she can’t see when the first blade comes at her. The last time, I made the mistake of making it fast. This time, I’ll do it right. It’ll be a long and drawn out process.

  She thinks she can ruin my life, and get to go on with hers like nothing ever happened. She’ll pay for all of her mistakes and for trying to leave me. I told her time and time again what I would do if she tried to leave. Maybe if the bitch hadn’t gone and made everything sound like it was my fault and taken the responsibility she should have, I would be more forgiving. That's ok though because she will pay now for the lesson she didn’t learn. And, that asshole that has his hands on her, he’ll die first with Bailey watching.

  I can’t wait to see her face when the last bit of life leaves him. Bailey knew better than to betray me. The day I got my freedom back, started the countdown to her last breath. “Live it up now, Bailey, because your days are numbered.”

  I spend the rest of the night thinking of what I am going to do to her. It’s the only thing that keeps me from breaking in right now, and just taking her. I have to keep telling myself I want this too last. My fantasizing has to be enough to keep me entertained for now.


  Chapter Twelve



  Robert took the news of my past better than I had expected. He may be going a bit overboard being over protective, but I won’t complain. Right on time, he walks through the bar door, but one thing is different this time. He has a friend with him.

  Spotting me in the corner, he walks over to give me a quick kiss and takes a seat as to not get in my way. There are only a few people left in the bar so Elizabeth says she’ll finish them up. I go to the back, grab my stuff and walk straight over to Robert and his friend.

  “Hey babe, how was tonight?” He asks as he stands up to hug me.

  “It was a night. Carl had to come get his dad. He had to be on something with the way he was acting. Are you going to introduce me, or am I going to have to do it myself?”

  “Yeah sorry, Bailey, this is my friend James. He was in the army.” Wondering why he’s telling me all this, I look James over. The man is built, but not so much he makes me nervous. He has kept his dark hair in the military crew cut, and I’d kill for that man’s tan. But, what I notice more than anything is his eyes. They are the color of milk chocolate; I can’t seem to look away from them. They have this sparkle that lights up his whole face.

  “He’s going to be making sure you and Elizabeth get home okay at night while I’m gone. Before you start to protest and I can tell you are just by the look on your face, please let me do this. I’ll not be able to relax while I am gone if you don’t.”

  I start to protest, but with Robert begging me with his eyes, I just can’t. With all that I’m doing to him, I can give him this one. “Okay.”

  The smile that breaks out on Robert’s face makes all of the discomfort worth it. “Thank you.”

  Shaking my head, I ask the question I really don’t want to know the answer to. “When does he start?” Now, he’s the one looking uncomfortable.

  “Tomorrow night. We leave out tomorrow afternoon.”

  With a deep breath I nod my head.


  Tonight, James is here right on time to get me from work. “Evening ma’am.” He is very formal; I’m going to have to break that habit.

  “James, you know you can call me Bailey. Calling me ma’am makes me feel old. Do you
want something to drink while I finish up here? I would offer you food, but the kitchen is closed.” Man I should have ordered him something for when he got here.

  “I’m good, and I’ll try to stop calling you ma’am.”

  After finishing the few things I have left on my list, I follow him out of the bar. I figure now is the perfect time to find out more about Robert. “So how long have you known Robert?”

  James doesn’t answer straight away, like he is thinking about his answer. “I have known him for a few years now. We met after I came home from my last tour. I was having a really hard time coping with life back here. Robert was staying in an apartment; I was so bad a few nights I woke him up. He would come over acting like it was no big deal.”

  “After that, I made myself a promise to be there anytime he ever needed me. Look, I don’t know what’s going on, but whatever it is, I hope it doens’t bring a bunch of crap to Robert’s door. He has enough issues going on with that team. I don’t mean any disrespect to you, but my loyalties are with him.”

  By the time he finishes his speech, we’ve reached the house and I have never loved the sight of it more. His comments make me feel lower than dirt about this whole thing. Getting out of James’ truck, I say a quick goodbye and rush into the house.

  I hurry upstairs to get ready for Robert’s call. It’s the first Skype call of what I assume will be many. I hope he isn’t always this late when he calls. When I’m about to give up thinking he has fallen asleep waiting for me to get home, my computer rings.

  “Robert!” I didn’t realize I would miss him so much. It hasn’t even been a day and seeing his face and hearing his voice for the first time since he left is like a calm wash over me. “How did the game go?” From the look on his face I assume, it went well. I just didn’t think it had gone as well as it had.